Saturday, September 7, 2013

Installing the thefourtheyeEditor - topcoder plugin

thefourtheyeEditor is a very lightweight plugin for Topcoder Arena to participate in Single Round Matches, which can build testcases and lets the users to store the solutions as local files, so that any editor or IDE can be used to edit them. It also maintains the solutions in the directories named as the SRM's display name.


  1. Very lightweight - Only one jar file. It doesn't depend on any other external jar files.
  2. Organized solutions storage - Solutions will be stored as per the SRM names
  3. File based configuration - Configurations are done in contestapplet.conf file. No need to use UI.


  1. Download thefourtheyeEditor plugin (thefourtheyeEditor.jar) from
  2. Open topcoder contest applet and login with your username and password

  3. Select Editor from the Options menu. You 'll see something like this

  4. Click on Add and you 'll get a window like this. Fill in the details as you see in this picture. Actually you can give any name in the Namefield and in ClassPath field, you have to locate the thefourtheyeEditor.jar file using Browse button. EntryPoint must be exactly the same as thefourtheyeEditor.Main.

  5. Once these steps are done, the Editor preferences page will look like this

  6. Click on Save button and close that window. That's it. Installation is complete :)

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